Journeys in Latin America - January to June 2009

Friday, 24 April 2009

Uyuni & The Salar Salt Plains of Bolivia

OK, the blog is getting a bit muddled now, but the salt plain tour of 4 days that we did last week requires it's own post to show the incredible landscapes which have been captured in quality technicolor by Vic & Chief... I think Chief particularly relished the opportunities for lightsmithery over those days...

Uyuni - starting point for a four day trip around the Salar de Uyuni, an immense expanse of salt desert with volcanoes and weird rock formations all around (quality photos from Chief and Vic from there)

From Uyuni

From Uyuni

From Uyuni

From Uyuni

From Uyuni

From Uyuni

From Uyuni

From Uyuni

From Uyuni

From Uyuni

From Uyuni

From salar de uyuni

From salar de uyuni

From salar de uyuni

From salar de uyuni

From salar de uyuni

From salar de uyuni

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey hey! Amazing pics, nice to see what you've been up to. Big long email on its way!! Take care lots of love cat x
