Journeys in Latin America - January to June 2009

Friday, 20 March 2009

Las Cataratas de Iguazu

After a very pleasant 18 hour bus ride pretty much north from Buenos Aires, we arrived in the Misiones province of Argentina - one of the few remaining habitats of the "tigre" or jaguar. Needless to say we didn´t spot any of the mastercats, but we did see some rather large waterfalls situated in beautiful jungle with plenty of walkways for multiple and various views of the falls. Puerto Iguazu where we stayed our few nights, is situated very close to the Brasilian and Paraguayan borders, and in fact the falls happen right on the border as the River is the the natural frontier at that point.

We had a full day wandering and enjoying the ambience of the trails, which were extensive enough to smear the large number of tourists thinly, which meant you could easily find a bit of solitude to enjoy the butterflies, foliage, lizards, birds, and funny little badger-squirrels (i have a feeling that might not be the correct name. further research required...) which had a taste for tourist fruit and the fruits of the tourist tendency to share their sandwiches with furry creatures.

The pleasantness of the hostel and the town of Puerto Iguazu was such that we stayed for a couple more days. Photos follow, again all from the camera of Vic:

From Cataratas del iguazu

From Cataratas del iguazu

From Cataratas del iguazu

From Cataratas del iguazu

From Cataratas del iguazu

As i write i am in Asuncion, the capital of Paraguay, so the blog is a little behind, but within a week i hope to have updated with paraguayan words and photos, and get back up on top of things, blog-wise.

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