Journeys in Latin America - January to June 2009

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Abancay, Nazca, Trujillo / Huanchaco (Peru), Puerto Lopez (Ecuador)

We headed from Cuzco about 5 hours by bus West, to a place called Abancay, seldom visited by tourists judging from the amusement and interest (staring) we generated here! We stayed for less than two days, but squeezed in a walk on the second which involved cacti, private property, and chasing flip-flops down rivers...! Photos by Chief

The young and able William MacDonald, a friend from home we met up with in Cuzco, and later again in Trujillo / Huanchaco on the Pacific Coast of Peru before splitting ways.

Not too many photos are available of the next 2 weeks, which involved a bit of splitting up - Me, James and Claire went to the very lovely Nazca and rode on the vast sand dunes in a dune buggy then did some sandboarding, and took a flight over the famous Nazca lines which were suitably impresive. Due to the lack of Chief or Vic, i have no photos of any of this time at the moment. Trust me, it was good! We then all reconvened in Huanchaco on the Peruvian coast, as a sort of halfway stopoff on our journey towards Ecuador. We had a pretty relaxing and not too eventful time on the beach there, the weather was a bit lousy but nothing to complain about... Anyway, after that me, chief, claire & james again split off from Wullie and Beth, and took many hours worth of buses to a lovely little town called Puerto Lopez, this time on the Pacific Coast of Ecuador... These photos are from there (all by Chief)...

Wandering on the beach of the fishing village of Puerto Lopez...

Nasty looking Spikyfish (probably not the proper nomenclature) washed up on the beach.

We took a boat trip out to Isla de la Plata (dubbed the poor man's Galapagos) one day, and saw some pretty marvelous stuff from the boat... Like a large number of bottlenose dolphins, and quite a few humpback whales, which we were lucky enough to see showboating for our viewing pleasure by jumping completely out of the water, and swimming right round and under our boat - it was pretty special and i think we were unnaturaly lucky that day...
